Sponsorship opportunities are available to support specific programs and initiatives within the WI League to reduce barriers for participation. We are interested in partnering with businesses, organizations, and family foundations who share out passion and mission.
If you are aware of grant opportunities that support our mission in youth development, please feel free to share those opportunities.
Please contact us if you are interested in joining the movement to get #MoreKidsOnBikes.
Wisconsin MTB / NICA is actively seeking to establish partnerships with new League Sponsors to foster the development of the Wisconsin MTB / NICA organization and support the expansion of new mountain biking teams across the state.
Wisconsin MTB / NICA Establishing Partners will ensure coordinated, long-term growth of interscholastic mountain biking across the state and inspire high school & middle school aged athletes, their families, coaches and communities for generations.
As a sponsor, you are investing in the future of Wisconsin and the life-long sport of mountain biking!
Download our Sponsorship Guide to learn more: