Calling all students in grades 6-12 (as of July)—your next adventure starts here! Whether you’re looking to join an established team or start your own, NICA is your ticket to fun, fitness, and an incredible biking community!
Athletes join teams of their current high school. Middle schoolers will be placed with the team for the high school they’ll attend. Homeschool students roster the same way with the public school in their community. Private school students roster with their school’s team but if you don’t have one yet, make your own or join the composite team in your area.
Coaches, join any team in your area.
Ready to roll? Use our interactive team map to locate your local team! Just click on your high school community, and you’ll get all the details—team info & coach contacts. Send your team director a message and get ready to ride!
For students from the same high school and its feeder middle schools. Students must join their school’s team if one exists.
For students from multiple schools in the same district or area. Composite teams aim to transition into school-based or homeschool teams.
Homeschoolers can join school-based, composite, or regional homeschool teams. Virtual school students can join a composite team.
Have your Head Coach or Team Director contact Renee Griswold, WI League Director, at