League Guidelines
Keep clear
If you or anyone in your home have any symptoms of Covid or any similar symptoms in the past 14 days, do not come to practice. If you develop symptoms at practice or any time, let your coach know.
Keep away
Practice physical distancing- stay 6 feet away from coaches and teammates. Give plenty of room when passing or allowing others to pass. Plan ahead for stopping areas to maintain distance.
Keep it chill
On the trail, stay within your limits. Have fun but save the gnar for another time. Get rad later.
Keep covered
If they ask, wear a mask.
Keep it to yourself
Be prepared, you will not be able to share equipment– make sure your bike is working properly, bring all the water, tools, pumps, tubes, snacks and anything else you need to be self-sufficient on the trail.
Keep it small
Ride in small groups of no more than 10 including coaches
Keep it quick
If you need to use a public restroom or other public facilities, be quick.
Keep it clean
Wash your hands, use hand sanitizer often, avoid touching your face, keep your bike and other equipment clean and sanitized
Keep riding your bikes,
Kathy Mock, Don Edberg, the entire WI League Staff