2021 Raffle Winners

#32515 Sarah Bichler purchased from Wyatt Duce
#35844 Dererie Tinnen purchased from Solen @ East
#42703 Tim Metcalfe purchased from Ben Payton
#31629 Dan Joel purchased from Dan Joel
#48295 Don Zimmer purchased from Hadley Wozniak
#47748 Lauren Halverson purchased from Lukas Miller
#43241 John Geers purchased from D Dmolas
#35491 Ev Hall purchased from Rowan Hall
#49637 Chris Ullius purchased from Carter Johnson
#32827 Hilary Henrickson purchased from Evan Henrickson
#43987 Courtney Wander purchased from Piper West
#37382 Tim Metcalfe purchased from Ben Payton
#38874 Max Keller purchased from Max Keller
#36014 Elsa Oestreich purchased from Elsa Oestreich
#40093 Jereme Rauckman purchased from Jonah Rauckman
#49271 Tony DiPiazza purchased from Vincent DiPiazza
#35794 Shelly Murphy purchased from not listed
#41068 Eileen Hannigan purchased from Tom Dolan
#44066 Matt Nelson purchased from Rice Lake Comp
#45222 David Waisman purchased from Arlo Waisman
#49582 Josh Pudlowski purchased from Clara Pudlowski
#32769 Joe Musto purchased from Edgar Gran
#42879 Matt Brooks purchased from Samantha Brooks
#40952 Eric Vincent purchased from Bradley Vincent
#46878 Angela McKeown purchased from Kaden McKeown
#50001 Matt Knowles purchased from Rylan Zacharek
#37217 Bill Koch purchased from Bill Koch
#32350 Robert & Jennifer Harms purchased from Robert & Jennifer Harms
#36791 Eric Seaverson purchased from Seaverson
#45384 Jim Koehler purchased from Ian Koehler
#48389 Christy Bartelt purchased from Sarah Oksiuta
#33589 Don Pfau purchased from Declan O’Connell
#47143 Roman Lichon purchased from Jaiden Schumacher
#40669 Madeline Parker purchased from LaCrosse Team

2021 Wisconsin League Raffle INFO SHEET

Team keeps 50% of sales up front!
This year teams will turn in 50% sales to the Wisconsin League at each race. Like last year, ticket sales will be tallied after each race to measure which team is in the lead to win the team prize.

  • Checking out and distributing tickets
  • Collecting money and returning 50% to the Wisconsin League at races and year end
  • Communicating raffle updates and standings to the team and communicate any team raffle needs back to the Wisconsin League (contact: Suzy Karlovich)
  • Tracking individual sales (if team is interested) (2021 Team Raffle Tracking Sheet)
  • Collecting and turn in all unsold tickets at the last race of the season

Your team must assign a Team Raffle Lead to run the raffle program within the team.
Find out who your Raffle Lead is for your team, they are responsible for:

  • Checking out and distributing tickets
  • Collecting money and returning 50% to the Wisconsin League at races and year end
  • Communicating raffle updates and standings to the team and communicate any team raffle needs back to the Wisconsin League (contact: Suzy Karlovich)
  • Tracking individual sales (if team is interested) (2021 Team Raffle Tracking Sheet)
  • Collecting and turn in all unsold tickets at the last race of the season

The student-athlete who sells the most tickets wins a prize!
Teams that are interested can track individual sales. The student-athlete with the most sales at the end of the season will win a $200 gift card. There are four additional chances to win $50 by turning in the most tickets at each of the first four races. Download this excel template to help track total team and individual sales: 2021 Team Raffle Tracking Sheet.

Like last year, the team that sells the most tickets (as percentage of student-athletes) wins a prize: $500 for a team party! The deadline to win the team prize is the second to last race of the season – Nordic Mt on Oct 17th.

Prizes: More prizes than last year – over 20 prizes!


  • The Wisconsin League will use raffle proceeds to fund scholarships in 2021. In 2021 we will grant scholarships to 90+ student-athletes thanks to earnings from the 2020 raffle.
  • Tickets are $10 each or 12 tickets for $100. Drawings will be held at the awards ceremony at the last race of the year. Do not need to be present to win.
  • 50% of raffle earnings are for the team to use at their discretion.
  • We will measure the team that sells the most tickets as a percentage of student-athletes on the team, they will win $500 for a team party!
  • Teams will get 12 tickets for each student-athlete to start the season. Additional tickets will be available upon request until all tickets are passed out.

Questions? Need tickets? Send email to Suzy Karlovich at raffleticketsmtb@gmail.com.

The grand prize is a

Trek Top Fuel 9.8 Bike valued at over $5000!

Additional Prizes

Wheel & Sprocket $300 Gift Card

Erik’s Bike & Board $100 Gift Card (Qty. 2)

Erik’s Bike & Board $50 Gift Card

2022 Borah Epic Entry (Qty. 2)

2022 Lutzen99er Entry (Qty. 2)

2022 Chequamegon Entry (Qty. 2)

2-night Stay at ROAM-Winter ($230 Value)

Wave Cell Helmet

Light Set (Qty. 2)

Bontrager MTB Shoes

2022 Fat Bike Birkie Entry (Qty. 4)

1-night Stay Cuyuna Cove ($195 Value)

Hayes Products

Flat Pedals (Qty. 5)

Saris Bones EX 3-Bike Trunk Car Rack

Saris Superclamp 4-Bike Hitch Rack

Saris Fluid2 Trainer

Saris M2 Smart Trainer

Sample Script

The raffle is a great way to tell people about youth mountain biking in your community. Need help on what to say when you sell tickets to your family, friends, and neighbors? This will get you started…

Hello, my name is __[your name]__.
Have you heard of _[your team name]_ Cycling Team?

→ If “no”, then: _[your team name]_ Cycling Team is a middle and high school mountain biking team and in the fall we race mountain bikes all over Wisconsin. We are selling raffle tickets at $10 each for a chance to win a Trek mountain bike valued at over $5000 and over 20 other prizes. Part of the money raised from the raffle will go to our team and part will provide participation scholarships to help over 90 kids throughout the state.

The winner will be drawn at our last race of the season at the end of October and you do not need to be present to win.

We’d love your support. Would you please support our team by buying a ticket?

→ If “yes”, then: Great! My team and I are selling raffle tickets at $10 each for a chance to win a Trek mountain bike valued at over $5000 and over 20 other prizes. Part of the money raised from the raffle will go to our team and part will provide participation scholarships to help over 90 kids throughout the state.

The winner will be drawn at our last race of the season at the end of October and you do not need to be present to win.

We’d love your support. Would you please support our team by buying a ticket?